Friday, December 7, 2012
Massey university,New Zealand.
i'm not sure whether this is my dream university or not. and i'll give u few of my reasons.
first,this university divides into two different campuses. how would i know at that time when they asked us to select our university, that this university has two diff campuses and who knows we will be allocated into this diff campuses accordingly upon our courses.
second, i had chosen this university for the sake of being in the same campus with my best friend. but at the end of the day, do i get what i want?
third,i've learned a myriad of benefits as a result of choosing this university. first, the benefits are on me. i get to live in a very low cost area also the fact that i get the highest rate of allowance in that place. as a matter of fact, i get to know a few of seniors of which are very friendly and could be my new best friends. hehehe.
suddenly, i feel glad Allah has chosen me to be placed at his place. he knows everything although at first i have doubts upon my future. because reality is, he has chosen the best for us, and it is vital for us to trust upon his plan.
fourthly, i feel devastated because i can't still forget what these guys have done to me, the way they might have treated me stupidly. i may forgive them, but i might not forget for the rest of my life's.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Grey's monologue
This is a place where horrible things happen.
You were right to go.
You're probably want to be alone.
Look at me,
I practically hate to be in here.
And you're right,
It is hurting me...
In ways I'll probably never get over.
I have a lot of memories of people...
People I've lost forever.
But, I have a lot of other memories, too
This is a place where I learned how to take responsibility
For someone else's life.
And it's a place I met you.
So I figure this place has given me
As much as its taken from me.
I've lived here as much as I've survived here.
It's just depends on how I look at it.
I'm gonna choose to look at it that way
And remember you that way.
Hope you're good.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Happily ever after? pfft. haha
We all remember the bedtime stories of our childhoods. The shoe fits Cinderella. The frog turns into a prince. Sleeping Beauty is awakened with a kiss. Once upon a time. And then they lived happily every after. Fairy tales. The stuff of dreams. The problem is, fairy tales don’t come true.
It’s the other stories. The ones that begin with dark and stormy nights and end in the unspeakable. It’s the nightmares that always seem to become reality.
The person that invented the phrase “Happily ever after,” should have his ass kicked – so hard.
Once upon a time. Happily ever after. The stories we tell are the stuff of dreams. Fairy tales don’t come true. Reality is much stormier. Much murkier. Much scarier. Reality. It’s so much more interesting than living happily ever after.
forgive and forget?
In life, only one thing is certain, apart from death and taxes. That is no matter how hard you try, no matter how good your intentions, you are going to make mistakes. You’re going to hurt people. You’re going to get hurt. And if you ever want to recover, there’s really only one thing you can say…
“I forgive you.”
Forgive and forget. That’s what they say. It’s good advice, but it’s not very practical. When someone hurts us, we want to hurt them back. When someone wrongs us, we want to be right. Without forgiveness, old scores are never settled. Old wounds never heal. And the most we can hope for, is that one day we’ll be lucky enough to forget.
don't stand so close to me.
At the end of the day, when it comes down to it, all we really want, is to be close to somebody. So this thing where we all keep our distance and pretend not to care about each other… it’s usually a load of bull. So we pick and choose who we want to remain close to.
And once we’ve chosen those people… we tend to stick close by… no matter how much we hurt them and they hurt us. The people that are still with you at the end of the day, those are the ones worth keeping. And sure, sometimes close can be too close. But, sometimes that invasion of personal space… it can be exactly what you need.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Biggest day in my life.
Today, i become the citizen of the world. Today, i become a grown up. Today i become accountable to someone other than myself and my parents. Accountable for more than my schoolmates. Today, i become accountable to the world. To the future,to all the possibilities that life has to offer. Starting today, my job is to show up while i am willing and ready, for what? I don't know. For anything. For everything. To take on life, to take on love. To take on the responsibility and possibility. Today my friends, our life's began. And i for one, can't wait.
You don't recognise the biggest day of your life. Not until you realise in the middle of it, the day you commit to something. the day you got heartbroken. the day you realise, there's not enough time, because you wanna live forever. Those are the biggest days. the perfect days.
You don't recognise the biggest day of your life. Not until you realise in the middle of it, the day you commit to something. the day you got heartbroken. the day you realise, there's not enough time, because you wanna live forever. Those are the biggest days. the perfect days.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful. Assalamualaikum.
Alhamdulillah, i'm so glad, i'm so grateful ya Allah for giving me so many happy things this month ya Allah.. i got 4.00 for my first sem first degree and even my Chemical Process Principles is also A. Also i went to semi final for debate competition..who knows ya Allah..someone like be awarded with so many good things..all at once...masya Allah,, ya Allah, i feel bad to you..all of these days i'm making wrongs and sins but u still give me what i want..i'm touched ya Allah..
One day, i walked across a street and i saw a woman with no legs.
I looked on my legs and i imagined myself on her state. How i feel so grateful of what you are giving me right now ya Allah..and yet i keep on complaining about various dissatisfaction on life ya Allah..masyaALLAH..I can't imagine the sins that i've done to you ya Allah..
thank you Allah for everything..i love you so much
Alhamdulillah, i'm so glad, i'm so grateful ya Allah for giving me so many happy things this month ya Allah.. i got 4.00 for my first sem first degree and even my Chemical Process Principles is also A. Also i went to semi final for debate competition..who knows ya Allah..someone like be awarded with so many good things..all at once...masya Allah,, ya Allah, i feel bad to you..all of these days i'm making wrongs and sins but u still give me what i want..i'm touched ya Allah..
One day, i walked across a street and i saw a woman with no legs.
I looked on my legs and i imagined myself on her state. How i feel so grateful of what you are giving me right now ya Allah..and yet i keep on complaining about various dissatisfaction on life ya Allah..masyaALLAH..I can't imagine the sins that i've done to you ya Allah..
thank you Allah for everything..i love you so much
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Bersyukur ^^
Segala kecuakan sudah tamat. Hanya Allah sahaja yang tahu betapa cuaknya diri 2 minggu ni. Tak boleh tidur, resah semacam, sampai keluar ke mimpi. ya Allah, aku bersyukur kepadamu..tatkala diriku sering melakukan kesilapan dan dosa, engkau masih memberikan aku rezeki ya Allah..
Terima kasih ya Allah..
Mungkin aku sentiasa berada di atas, dan bila tiba2 berada di bawah, aku mulai tidak bersyukur.
Syukur? Apa tu syukur?
Perkataan syukur terbit dari kata 'syukran' yang bermaksud ucapan terima kasih. Dari segi pengertian syukur bermaksud sesuatu tindakan, ungkapan atau niat di hati sebagai tanda berterima kasih atas nikmat Tuhan kepada kita.
Apakah nikmat yang dimaksudkan dalam ayat tersebut? Sedar atau tidak, semua yang berlaku dalam kehidupan kita adalah nikmat. Nikmat sihat dan sakit, nikmat senang dan susah.. itu semua adalah nikmatNya yang tidak terhingga nilainya dan apakah kita masih tidak bersyukur?
Kadangkala kita lihat ada orang yang selesa dengan apa yang seadanya bagi mereka, tetapi ada juga kelompok yang seakan tidak pernah cukup akan nikmat yang dikurniakan kepada mereka. Dalam diri sendiri juga kadangkala terdetik masih tidak pernah berasa puas apa yang dimiliki.
Ada yang lekas sedar akan hal tersebut dan segera bertaubat, tetapi malang bagi mereka yang hanyut mengejar kenikmatan dunia yang tiada noktahnya. Takut nanti terlalu asyik dengan nikmat itu, boleh menimbulkan sifat ego seterusnya membawa kepada kekufuran.
Bagi aku, kaedah terbaik untuk kita mudah berasa syukur ialah selalu melihat orang yang berada di bawah kita, bukan di atas. Hal ini kerana, apabila kita melihat mereka yang taraf hidupnya di bawah kita, automatik kita akan teringat dengan apa yang sudah kita miliki.
Syukurnya aku kepada Allah dengan kedudukan aku sekarang, yang aku tak pernah bayangkan suatu masa dahulu. Perjalanan hidup individu tidak akan pernah sama, dan aku merasai fasa - fasa genting itu, dan sampai ke hari ini aku tak akan lupakan asal usul aku dan aku merasai fasa - fasa genting itu, dan sampai ke hari ini aku tak akan lupakan asal usul aku.
Senior aku pernah cakap,
"semua ini memang wujud dalam hati sanubari manusia. akan sentiasa ade rase ingin lebih daripada manusia dlm sesuatu perkara.
dengan menjadi lebih itu akan timbul rasa lega dan puas hati.
dan boleh jadi puas hati akan mendorong ke arah riak dan takabbur.
itulah yg dikatakan jika kita disuapkan dgn pangkat dan darjat serta sesuatu kejayaan yg sgt signifikan, boleh jadi itu sbg satu modal utk kita lebih jauh drpd apa yg dinginkan oleh-Nya.
namun, ketahuilah, apabila dihulurkan dgn sesuatu yg tidak mencapai keinginan kita, nescaya kita akan lebih berfikir ttg berbagai perkara.
contohnye kita akan rase betapa lemahnya diri kita.kerna segala-galanya akan jadi, sekiranye diizikan oleh-Nya.
selain itu, kita juga dpt melihat betapa adilnya Tuhan kita. Kita akan berfikir, sekiranye semua mengecapi sesuatu tahap yg sama, maka tidak nampak keunikan di situ. kita rase lebih bersyukur.
aku tak dpt nafikan, aku turut pernah merasa spt kau. teringin berada di atas, selalu, kalau boleh tak akan berada di bawah. tapi dalam proses ini, kita akan lebih belajar drpd semua ini.insyaAllah.''-
cuba bayangkan diri kita berada dalam penjara dan diseksa tiap hari, apa benda yang paling teruk yang boleh kena pada kita?
Mati? Tidak sama sekali. Dengan mati kita akan kembali kepada pencipta kita , dengan mati segala keseksaan di dalam penjara itu akan berhenti. Dengan bekalan dan persediaan yang cukup kita boleh mati dengan tenang. Kalau tak memang sampai bila-bila kita akan terseksa.
'the worst thing could be the best thing'.
mari kita sama-sama bersyukur dengan apa yang ada. insyaAllah
Terima kasih ya Allah..
Mungkin aku sentiasa berada di atas, dan bila tiba2 berada di bawah, aku mulai tidak bersyukur.
Syukur? Apa tu syukur?
Perkataan syukur terbit dari kata 'syukran' yang bermaksud ucapan terima kasih. Dari segi pengertian syukur bermaksud sesuatu tindakan, ungkapan atau niat di hati sebagai tanda berterima kasih atas nikmat Tuhan kepada kita.
Apakah nikmat yang dimaksudkan dalam ayat tersebut? Sedar atau tidak, semua yang berlaku dalam kehidupan kita adalah nikmat. Nikmat sihat dan sakit, nikmat senang dan susah.. itu semua adalah nikmatNya yang tidak terhingga nilainya dan apakah kita masih tidak bersyukur?
Kadangkala kita lihat ada orang yang selesa dengan apa yang seadanya bagi mereka, tetapi ada juga kelompok yang seakan tidak pernah cukup akan nikmat yang dikurniakan kepada mereka. Dalam diri sendiri juga kadangkala terdetik masih tidak pernah berasa puas apa yang dimiliki.
Ada yang lekas sedar akan hal tersebut dan segera bertaubat, tetapi malang bagi mereka yang hanyut mengejar kenikmatan dunia yang tiada noktahnya. Takut nanti terlalu asyik dengan nikmat itu, boleh menimbulkan sifat ego seterusnya membawa kepada kekufuran.
Bagi aku, kaedah terbaik untuk kita mudah berasa syukur ialah selalu melihat orang yang berada di bawah kita, bukan di atas. Hal ini kerana, apabila kita melihat mereka yang taraf hidupnya di bawah kita, automatik kita akan teringat dengan apa yang sudah kita miliki.
Syukurnya aku kepada Allah dengan kedudukan aku sekarang, yang aku tak pernah bayangkan suatu masa dahulu. Perjalanan hidup individu tidak akan pernah sama, dan aku merasai fasa - fasa genting itu, dan sampai ke hari ini aku tak akan lupakan asal usul aku dan aku merasai fasa - fasa genting itu, dan sampai ke hari ini aku tak akan lupakan asal usul aku.
Senior aku pernah cakap,
"semua ini memang wujud dalam hati sanubari manusia. akan sentiasa ade rase ingin lebih daripada manusia dlm sesuatu perkara.
dengan menjadi lebih itu akan timbul rasa lega dan puas hati.
dan boleh jadi puas hati akan mendorong ke arah riak dan takabbur.
itulah yg dikatakan jika kita disuapkan dgn pangkat dan darjat serta sesuatu kejayaan yg sgt signifikan, boleh jadi itu sbg satu modal utk kita lebih jauh drpd apa yg dinginkan oleh-Nya.
namun, ketahuilah, apabila dihulurkan dgn sesuatu yg tidak mencapai keinginan kita, nescaya kita akan lebih berfikir ttg berbagai perkara.
contohnye kita akan rase betapa lemahnya diri kita.kerna segala-galanya akan jadi, sekiranye diizikan oleh-Nya.
selain itu, kita juga dpt melihat betapa adilnya Tuhan kita. Kita akan berfikir, sekiranye semua mengecapi sesuatu tahap yg sama, maka tidak nampak keunikan di situ. kita rase lebih bersyukur.
aku tak dpt nafikan, aku turut pernah merasa spt kau. teringin berada di atas, selalu, kalau boleh tak akan berada di bawah. tapi dalam proses ini, kita akan lebih belajar drpd semua ini.insyaAllah.''-
cuba bayangkan diri kita berada dalam penjara dan diseksa tiap hari, apa benda yang paling teruk yang boleh kena pada kita?
Mati? Tidak sama sekali. Dengan mati kita akan kembali kepada pencipta kita , dengan mati segala keseksaan di dalam penjara itu akan berhenti. Dengan bekalan dan persediaan yang cukup kita boleh mati dengan tenang. Kalau tak memang sampai bila-bila kita akan terseksa.
'the worst thing could be the best thing'.
mari kita sama-sama bersyukur dengan apa yang ada. insyaAllah
Sunday, June 3, 2012
During the pre-Islamic days of ignorance, the one who was treacherous, proud, and dishonest was feared and considered strong.
But revelation through the Qur’an and Sunnah teach us otherwise. The Prophet (sal Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) didn’t just win battles, but hearts as well.
He was known for his gentle nature and kindness, even to the ignorant and ill-mannered. People took their shahadah and entered Islam just by experiencing his humble, gracious, honest, and courteous mannerism .
Unfortunately, with the passage of time many Muslims have forgotten to practice the manners taught by our religion.
We have forgotten the teachings of Quran and hadith and instead let our egos rule us.
Syaitan, which is our greatest enemy will play all the tricks to stop you from saying sorry. You might experience the following thought pattern: “Oh come on! You can’t apologise. It will be so embarrassing. Actually, you didn’t do anything wrong really, it’s not such a big deal. Everyone makes mistakes, it was so and so’s fault in the first place.”
Embarrassed that you spoiled a treasured relationship, your ego may tell you to run the other way and not face the situation.
But you shouldn’t ignore the situation.
We can’t have healthy relationships if we don’t learn how to handle mishaps and humbly ask for forgiveness.
These are some tips of how to say sorry :)
1. If you have wronged or oppressed the person, you should turn to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala to ask for forgiveness.
“Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden whose width is that (of the whole) of the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the righteous. Those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity, or in adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon (all) men, for Allah loves those who do good.” (3:133-134)
2. Push aside your ego; we have to remove any pride in order to humble ourselves to genuinely apologise. This shows that you value your relationship. Even if you don’t think you’re in the wrong, apologize and be kind for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.
3. Be quick to apologise.
“It is not lawful for a Muslim to desert (stop talking to) his brother beyond three nights, the one turning one way and the other turning to the other way when they meet, the better of the two is one who is the first to greet the other.” [Bukhari]
4. Admit to your shortcomings and take responsibility. Don’t sound insincere or cold. Muttering “I apologise” or a stern “sorry…” under your breath isn’t very genuine; be sincere and mean what you say – ‘I’m so sorry, [insert person’s name]’ sounds better, doesn’t it?
5. If the situation calls for it, talk it out and explain what happened. Try to restore their trust and confidence in you.
6. Show you care by asking the other person what could be done to amend it.
7. Learn a lesson from this incident. Set your morals and correct your behaviour. Our interactions with people are also a part of our deen, and our character will weigh heavily on the Day of Judgement. It is reported that Muadh ibn Jabal said, “The last advice the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, gave me when I put my foot in the stirrup was that he said, ‘Make your character good for the people, Muadh ibn Jabal!’”
“Fear Allah wherever you may be; follow up an evil deed with a good one which will wipe (the former) out , and behave good-naturedly towards people.” [At-Tirmidhi]
Taking responsibility for our wrongdoings and/or mistakes is a sign of strength, humility, and wisdom – and at the end of the day, it’s just the basics of good manners, which are what every Productive Muslim should strive for. ^^
Change for better.
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
Why do we have to sometimes change just to be who we really are?
When we are trying to be successful or trying to accomplish something in our life, have you ever noticed that one of the first things that happens is that we get told we should not do the thing, or we get asked why we are doing it? And what are we doing it for? And they are telling you to leave things the way they are.
Don't worry to change because it is said in the Al-Quran :
Sura 9: 102 to 106 reads as follows:
"And others have confessed their faults, they have mingled a good deed and an evil one; (perhaps) Allah will turn to them (mercifully); surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Take alms out of their property, you would cleanse them and purify them thereby, and pray for them; surely your prayer is a relief to them; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing.
Do they not know that Allah accepts repentance from His servants and takes the alms, and that Allah is the Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful?
And say: Work; so Allah will see your work and (so will) His Apostle and the believers; and you shall be brought back to the Knower of the unseen and the seen, then He will inform you of what you did.
And others are made to await Allah's command, whether He chastise them or whether He turn to them (mercifully), and Allah is Knowing, Wise." (9:102-106)
Even if we did wrong or sins it is always not too late to change for better. I myself is changing bit by bit. Although it seems hard at first, but perseverance ensures success :) Pray for me insyaAllah :)
Allah does not love sins, but Allah loves to forgive. Allah does not love the sinner, but Allah loves the repenter.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
I write what i want to write.
This is very devastating. I guess. Why is someone that worried about me? what have i done?
i don't like this feeling. I know this blog is named as Notorious which means having a bad reputation ,but i don't like when people deem me as bad. i just don't like that feeling. Even if i did wrong, please tell me what was it alright? Man to man . hehe Peace everyone ^.^ is a very short post. I write what i want to write.
Before that, i found one interesting video to all muslims. this is awesome.
Well i listen to songs when i'm here goes one song..Roots before branches ^^
i don't like this feeling. I know this blog is named as Notorious which means having a bad reputation ,but i don't like when people deem me as bad. i just don't like that feeling. Even if i did wrong, please tell me what was it alright? Man to man . hehe Peace everyone ^.^ is a very short post. I write what i want to write.
Before that, i found one interesting video to all muslims. this is awesome.
Well i listen to songs when i'm here goes one song..Roots before branches ^^
School Life
Well here goes my post regarding my school life. Well, i have started studying since toddler. that time i was like 1 year old. that's not true actually. we study since we started to breath fresh air. .even breathing is considered studying..walking, crawling .. hehehe
After all, i have started studying formally in a kindergarden school just beside my house.
well that time i was 5 years old and i am the only one among my 4 siblings who went to school that early.
yeah of course ..first born deserves best.
This was my kindergarden badge. Found it on google.
well kindergarden was awesome. i remembered those times when it wasn't awkward to touch female hands..well i even hold some indeed..hahahaha how i miss those experience.
being in primary school was hilarious.. well i can't remember much but what i still remember was i had these two best friends. and one of them who i met last year at kmkn(kolej mara kuala nerang). well actually he stayed at kmkn for a year too. he was basically in the same programme.
these guys were my best friends. well we're still friends. but not that close like last time. Hoho.
this is my primary school.
i don't talk that much when i was at primary school. i don't even talk to girls. i'm afraid to girls. hahaha.
well, i'm not one of the top students either. i was in the 3rd ranking class which was actually the lowest compared among my other siblings. they were at the first ranking class. all of them. whatever. Alhamdulilah i scored straight A's in UPSR. Kamil and Yazid were okay, but they went to different school.
I, however went to MRSM TRANSKRIAN.
Ops, before that, i went to Smk Bandar Tun Hussein Onn 2 for 1 month
well, i don't remember much being in this school. besides, i didn't even get elected to become a prefect.
this is my primary school.
i don't talk that much when i was at primary school. i don't even talk to girls. i'm afraid to girls. hahaha.
well, i'm not one of the top students either. i was in the 3rd ranking class which was actually the lowest compared among my other siblings. they were at the first ranking class. all of them. whatever. Alhamdulilah i scored straight A's in UPSR. Kamil and Yazid were okay, but they went to different school.
I, however went to MRSM TRANSKRIAN.
Ops, before that, i went to Smk Bandar Tun Hussein Onn 2 for 1 month
well, i don't remember much being in this school. besides, i didn't even get elected to become a prefect.
MRSM TRANSKRIAN was awesome, i can still remember the smell of the fresh air of transkrian, and feel the super hot weather of sahara and most of all, the absolute facilities. one thing that you can't forget staying at transkrian were the most kind and helpful teachers there. I have this one favourite teacher. My science teacher. She is the best teacher that i have ever known. the most friendly teacher ever.
madam husrita hussin with her son.
And that how awesome transkrian was. my batch was the batch who saved for the first place in PMR rankings among MRSM. yeah i scored straight a's..Alhamdulilah. we were the first actually. the juniors however, couldn't continue the legacy, but recently i heard that they had managed to save at the 8th rank, which was good because usually the top 5 rankings will be dominated by the PKP's . So, transkrian are awesome and mind-blowing :D
literally, i was one of the top students in transkrian. hell yeah, but i'm no good in maths...(oh how i regret that now...!!!)
one more thing, i am one of the BWP'S ...hehehe..
Alhamdulilah, due to Allah's blessings i was then chosen to study at one of the PKP's ; MRSM TUN GHAFAR BABA, MELAKA,
well, staying at TGB taught me a lot. yes, i did many awful things there. it was kind of embarrassing and humiliating actually..but let's forget the past and keep improving in the future.
so this is tgb..quite glamorous isn't it? nah the college is outstanding in its performances, but the facilities there were quite old and rusty..
hahahaha well, that was one experience. it was exciting though in tgb..well here i am an average student..also in here i've started to have a complete passion to maths..which is my favourite subject now.. personally, i don't like my high school period because literally i'm not matured(like i'm matured now) and i didn't get chance to become a STAR..Hahahaahahaha. (lol i'm not a star now either)
well this was my partition mate. hehehe. he was an all rounder. he was good in everything including academics and sports..i kinda envied him that time..hahahaha
Alhamdulilah, i scored straight A's here too..of which gave me the ticket to pursue my studies under SPC..(based on my trial results first) to KOLEJ MARA KUALA NERANG..
here i met lots and lots of awesome people..they were really friendly, and i have a number of close frens..
and i really2 enjoyed staying at KMKN, I wish my high school was like, i learned many things..i even played rugby..hahahaha. everybody in KMKN was awesome..i even make friends with seniors..well i didn't know them back then in KMKN, but still they came from KMKN! hehehe. KMKN was the best institution that i have ever been so far..the lecturers were great..i learned many new techniques from one of my favorite lecturers, sir Jo and i even love physics even though i distasted this subject back then in TGB. i even got an A for physics..which was an average grade i think..most people had A+. hahahaha never mind. that was past.
these were my classmates.
syahidi and syazwan. these guys taught me lot of things. they never felt boastful in delivering academics matter..they were awesome and always will be..
THIS IS MY CLOSE FRIEND. He taught me everything. He was the reason i've changed into better insyaAllah. Thanks dude ^^
A4 the awesome.( my favorite classmates ) i think this was somewhere in penang. An exhilarating trip! my best trip actually.
These are my two favorite seniors. Syahin and Khairi. well i knew syahin first and he was the one who told me that i would be in MICET..i'll kill you syahin..grrr..y no MFI? +.+ ..whatever..he is a great senior btw. hahaha
well, i really don't want to talk bad about this institute, but frankly, i hate this institute so much. well i hate the environment actually. can you imagine the pressure that we received everyday non stop?
well we encounter these pressures everyday and these are the ultimate reasons why i get into fight with some of my colleagues recently. Nevertheless, micet still has the bright side. well i met this one very friendly senior.
Well i am hoping to meet MARA'S requirement for both semesters also my ielts results to perform in the most flying colours to get out from here as soon as possible. next year, insyaAllah
wish me luck :) pray for my success hehe :)
Well, that's that. i guess this is a very short post. hehehehe.
Appreciate your school when you still can because i've started to miss mine! :)
MRSM TRANSKRIAN was awesome, i can still remember the smell of the fresh air of transkrian, and feel the super hot weather of sahara and most of all, the absolute facilities. one thing that you can't forget staying at transkrian were the most kind and helpful teachers there. I have this one favourite teacher. My science teacher. She is the best teacher that i have ever known. the most friendly teacher ever.
madam husrita hussin with her son.
And that how awesome transkrian was. my batch was the batch who saved for the first place in PMR rankings among MRSM. yeah i scored straight a's..Alhamdulilah. we were the first actually. the juniors however, couldn't continue the legacy, but recently i heard that they had managed to save at the 8th rank, which was good because usually the top 5 rankings will be dominated by the PKP's . So, transkrian are awesome and mind-blowing :D
literally, i was one of the top students in transkrian. hell yeah, but i'm no good in maths...(oh how i regret that now...!!!)
one more thing, i am one of the BWP'S ...hehehe..
Alhamdulilah, due to Allah's blessings i was then chosen to study at one of the PKP's ; MRSM TUN GHAFAR BABA, MELAKA,
well, staying at TGB taught me a lot. yes, i did many awful things there. it was kind of embarrassing and humiliating actually..but let's forget the past and keep improving in the future.
so this is tgb..quite glamorous isn't it? nah the college is outstanding in its performances, but the facilities there were quite old and rusty..
hahahaha well, that was one experience. it was exciting though in tgb..well here i am an average student..also in here i've started to have a complete passion to maths..which is my favourite subject now.. personally, i don't like my high school period because literally i'm not matured(like i'm matured now) and i didn't get chance to become a STAR..Hahahaahahaha. (lol i'm not a star now either)
well this was my partition mate. hehehe. he was an all rounder. he was good in everything including academics and sports..i kinda envied him that time..hahahaha
Alhamdulilah, i scored straight A's here too..of which gave me the ticket to pursue my studies under SPC..(based on my trial results first) to KOLEJ MARA KUALA NERANG..
here i met lots and lots of awesome people..they were really friendly, and i have a number of close frens..
and i really2 enjoyed staying at KMKN, I wish my high school was like, i learned many things..i even played rugby..hahahaha. everybody in KMKN was awesome..i even make friends with seniors..well i didn't know them back then in KMKN, but still they came from KMKN! hehehe. KMKN was the best institution that i have ever been so far..the lecturers were great..i learned many new techniques from one of my favorite lecturers, sir Jo and i even love physics even though i distasted this subject back then in TGB. i even got an A for physics..which was an average grade i think..most people had A+. hahahaha never mind. that was past.
these were my classmates.
syahidi and syazwan. these guys taught me lot of things. they never felt boastful in delivering academics matter..they were awesome and always will be..
THIS IS MY CLOSE FRIEND. He taught me everything. He was the reason i've changed into better insyaAllah. Thanks dude ^^
A4 the awesome.( my favorite classmates ) i think this was somewhere in penang. An exhilarating trip! my best trip actually.
These are my two favorite seniors. Syahin and Khairi. well i knew syahin first and he was the one who told me that i would be in MICET..i'll kill you syahin..grrr..y no MFI? +.+ ..whatever..he is a great senior btw. hahaha
well, i really don't want to talk bad about this institute, but frankly, i hate this institute so much. well i hate the environment actually. can you imagine the pressure that we received everyday non stop?
well we encounter these pressures everyday and these are the ultimate reasons why i get into fight with some of my colleagues recently. Nevertheless, micet still has the bright side. well i met this one very friendly senior.
Well i am hoping to meet MARA'S requirement for both semesters also my ielts results to perform in the most flying colours to get out from here as soon as possible. next year, insyaAllah
wish me luck :) pray for my success hehe :)
Well, that's that. i guess this is a very short post. hehehehe.
Appreciate your school when you still can because i've started to miss mine! :)
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Well i'm going to talk about Farah Latep. my classmate. my soulmate. my papermate.
I guess it is a whole lot better to talk someone in her almost perfect state. hehe. well a complete version.
This is better. She's at the right side. hahaha. nah, obviously the left one.
A COMPLETE VERSION ( so called gadis muslimah )
Well i met her at KMKN. i heard rumours saying she was the most cutest girl in KMKN ( Obviously not) and i was really thrilled to meet her indeed.well it was hectic in my class with her presence. people called her 'makcik' and she was in fact one of many people in my class to make fun of. yeah, i love to make fun of her.
to cut the chase, this post is meant for her since she asked me to. well, the point that i really want to talk here that i was once fallen in love with her. hahaha.
nah, not that extremely falling in love..just the slightest...smallest amount of love..amount? can we count love? hahahah. well i was kinda jealous knowing she was with someone else. there was one moment when i hoped that she would break up with her boyfriend. Yeah i know i'm evil.
But then i realised.
We could only be just friends. Well i noticed that she is kinda lunatic and eccentric type of girl. well indeed she is the most weird girl i have ever met! that particular trait makes me eager to be friend with her. it is always hard to find a girl that could make PIG NOSE in front of the public.
we can't be married. i am scared.
after all, let Allah decides who is best for us. Allah has planned everything. We have to be patient and let time answer it all :)
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
This is my very first post. Well, second actually. My previous one was kinda looked foolish. well, i am newbie. now and then. HAHAH
well, i don't know what to write but well perhaps i could talk about friends.
well don't get yourself wrong.. i'm not talking about this tv series.
remember this? yeah it was kind of outdated.. well actually i'm not going to talk about that..
recently, i just don't get understand the attitudes of some of my friends..sometimes they are so complicated and intricate.. you know why?
research said : you are not a human without friends.
Well, it seems not.
because sometimes, i think, i don't need friends to live. sometimes they hurt my feelings so badly that i think of committing suicide. HAHAHA THAT IS SO NOT TRUE!
after all friends are divided into lots of category, to name a few..close frens, bad friends, stupid friends...lalalalala
Well, to cut the chase, i have this very close friend.
hoho well i have lots of close frens but specifically, i'm gonna talk about this one person.
Well, this person changed me a lot. A LOT??
well, he taught me to be more islamic, and besides, to appear kind and benign to every person that you have known. he is my best friend. but he doesn't seem to deem me his best friend. well i don't really care about that actually.
Well, ONE DAY, hahahaha we went for breakfast. well it was awesome yeah, i ate nasi lemak. delicious! suddenly, i told him that i opened his inbox and read this one particular message. well i can't tell you that. I'll tell you why.
He said, why are you of all people love to expose other people private life. you love to expose it to fb, and he in fact relates to all people that i have never ever done such things to those people. he accused me. he killed me. well, everything transformed swiftly.
Now it is awkward, even to talk about simple things such as dude, would you want to go for ice skating. nah, that's awkward.
You live not to please matter what you do to get one's attention, in the end, the relationship would turn into a myself..i am not sure that i have close frens because it never lasts more than a year..i am a very sensitive person..even to slight things such as someone showing off he's marks among the public too could bring the annoyance out of me and i'm not scared too get into a fight and i regret that. very much. i guess it is because of the chinese blood flowing thru my veins. INDEED.
well, that's that. i am so sorry of the grammar mistakes or spelling errors..hahaha this is not an essay by the way..
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